At Freezywater St Georges, our broad and balanced curriculum is rooted in our vision, enabling all to grow in heart, mind and spirit. It has been developed to both incorporate the statutory requirements of the national curriculum, as well as being designed to reflect the unique needs of the pupils within our school. We have high expectations of all members of our community, and remain resolute in our drive to nurture all of our children within the context of a caring and supportive Christian environment.
We highly value reading, which is a fundamental skill allowing pupils to confidently access all areas of learning. Therefore, this is a school-wide priority alongside other core skills and experiences. The wider curriculum is designed around answering big questions, in order that children are able to deepen their understanding, developing into independent thinkers and learners. We work tirelessly to ensure pupils make good or better progress, as well as retaining the knowledge and skills they gain as they move through the school. This is achieved through providing learning opportunities which are both memorable and develop a passion for learning.
We are proud that we offer a range of opportunities which develop and support pupils understanding of the world, opening their eyes to what is possible and inspiring them to have high aspirations. Our curriculum is tailored to meet individual need and strives to challenge and engage pupils, in a way that is relevant, equipping them for the next stage of their education, as well as life beyond school.
If you require any further information on the curriculum or you require a paper copy of anything on our school website, then please do not hesitate to either pop into or call the School Office where we will be happy to provide this free of charge.
Values Education
Our curriculum embraces our Values Education. We strongly believe that we have a duty to ensure our children grow up understanding how values shape our lives and how they need to live out these values in order to become fulfilled and responsible global citizens. It is our faith and beliefs that give our values moral substance and our school values have been chosen because of their distinctively Christian nature, although many are shared with those of other faiths (or indeed, of no specific faith).
Through our holistic curriculum, children will learn to balance different values, grapple
with controversial issues and seek ways to live in harmony with others who have different opinions.
Our overarching school values are: Respect and Reverence
Our monthly focus values are: Peace, Courage, Trust, Generosity, Friendship, Responsibility, Perseverance, Humility and Honesty.
These values permeate Collective Worship and Assemblies together with PSHCE lessons, but more importantly, everyday life in school.
They are linked to Rights and Responsibilities and are promoted amongst all members of our school community – including governors and parents.
Our RE curriculum supports and promotes these Christian values through discrete learning on a weekly basis.
Knowing what to Teach
How do teachers know what to teach?
Continuity and progression in the curriculum is built around essential knowledge,
understanding and key skills within each subject. These are broken into year group expectations and have additional challenges for able learners.
The ‘Essential Knowledge, Skills and Understanding’ grids within the Learning Challenge Curriculum allow children’s essential skills to be developed, alongside National Curriculum requirements (where appropriate). They also give scope for us to follow children’s own interests, thereby promoting independent learning.
The application of English skills is of paramount importance and includes oracy. In
addition teachers encourage the application of mathematics and ICT skills where it is
appropriate and beneficial to do so. Careful consideration is also given to the quality of
work produced by children in the core subject areas.
Time for children to reflect or review their learning is central to the whole process. This
is in keeping with the ‘Learning to Learn’ principles where reflection is seen as a very important part of an individual’s ability to know how well they are learning . It also
supports the BLP concept.
What Else?
Music, PE and Spanish are provided by specialist teachers who work alongside, or in place of, class teachers. Music is a high status subject within our school and is taught discretely as well as linking with Learning Challenges to excite learners. Every child performs in a musical every year. Every child learns an instrument. Every child sings.
Outdoor PE follows Enfield SOW, with experienced and trained coaches leading sessions. Dance and Gymnastics are taught internally also following the Enfield scheme of work. Spanish (in KS2) uses a variety of internet-based and written support to meet National Curriculum requirements, with a focus on oral competency and enjoyment.
Throughout the year we celebrate diversity, acknowledging local, national and international events; we ensure our children are kept safe through e-safety learning, life skills and anti-bullying teaching; that they are engaged through participation in trips and working with visitors.
Our children leave us as rounded, confident individuals ready for the next step of their
education, with the skills, knowledge and understanding necessary to succeed.
Michelle Sheehan